Welcome to Ben's New Blog - designed to replace the old blog. I started replacing my Blog with a template from Edublogs, but I'm such a visual person that I wasn't satisfied with the templates available, so I've gone back to Blogger with the same template. It's too late in the piece to repeat what I did on the original site so I'll just build the blog from today.
Hi Ben
Welcome Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine my distress when I returned to your blog and no more...........So I can only imagine how bad it was when you clicked that little mouse and realised it was gone. Wher there any seriously inappropritae words or did you just bury your head in frustration and disbe;lief!!!
As previously entered on your first post I really enjoy going in and seeing what new tools you have been using and being inspiredby your efforts. I am looking forward to your new entries. Hope it doesn't happen again.Good Luck
Thanks Anne-Maree. Yes! there were some inappropriate words but that only lasted a few hours. Ha! Ha! probably the tool that i wasn't using before was tag words on Blogger so ther is something positive to come out of it. Hope all is well with you?
I should also add that with the rise of this blog, I learnt how to embed RSS Feed subscriptions at the bottom of the blog, and insert video of myself.
Hi Ben - You sure do get around! I love the look of this blog and glad you got to learn some more 'tricks' as we are constantly doing. I couldn't get any sound from your video clip - but they may be a problem this end. What I want to say is that I have been working hard at updating my Wiki - and since you and I are on the same path I have referred to your wiki in my wiki as a source of information. I would be more than happy for you to use my information as a comprehensive and authentic wiki on all these terms which keep coming up.
Hope we can chat tonight.
Cheers Sue
That last bit about my which seemed to imply that my Wiki was just the authentic and comprehensive meant to be that between the both of us and hopefully input from others as the course progreses that we should have it covered.
Understood Sue.
Cheers for that
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